Convent Bukit Nanas (CBN) Land Lease Issue – Press Statement No. 18-2021


KUALA LUMPUR (22 APRIL 2021) – The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) shares the concerns expressed by various organisations and individuals, in relation to the non-renewal of Convent Bukit Nanas (CBN) land lease and possible need to be relocated.

SUHAKAM is of the view that the operations of the school should remain as status quo and the land lease should be renewed. As one of the country’s high-achieving schools, CBN should be allowed to continue with its educational work as they have done for more than a century. The right to education comes in many forms not only for the students but, also relates to the right to livelihood, as well as method of training for the education providers. As long as, it is in compliance with educational and other legal requirements, no institution should be dictated on how it may conduct its operations.

SUHAKAM urges the authorities, including the National Heritage Department, to preserve CBN and to continue protecting its character and heritage as a historical learning institution that is iconic and have played formative roles in educating Malaysians for 122 years.


Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)


KUALA LUMPUR (22 APRIL 2021) – Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM) turut menzahirkan kebimbangan yang sama dengan pelbagai organisasi dan individu berhubung isu untuk tidak melanjutkan pajakan tanah Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Convent Bukit Nanas (CBN) dan berkemungkinan untuk dipindahkan.

SUHAKAM berpandangan bahawa operasi sekolah tersebut perlu dikekalkan sebagai status quo dan pajakan tanah sekolah itu perlu diperbaharui. Sebagai salah sebuah sekolah yang berprestasi tinggi, CBN perlu dibenarkan untuk meneruskan khidmat pendidikannya sebagaimana yang telah dipraktikkannya selama lebih satu abad. Hak kepada pendidikan datang dalam pelbagai bentuk bukan hanya kepada pelajar namun ia juga berkaitan dengan kelangsungan hidup dan juga kaedah latihan oleh warga pendidik sekolah itu. Selagi mana ia mematuhi keperluan pendidikan dan undang-undang, tiada institusi boleh ditentukan tentang bagaimana ia harus menjalankan operasi mereka.

SUHAKAM menggesa pihak berkuasa, termasuk Jabatan Warisan Negara untuk memelihara CBN dan terus melindungi keistimewaan dan warisan sekolah ini sebagai institusi pendidikan bersejarah yang ikonik dan telah memainkan peranannya dalam mendidik rakyat Malaysia selama 122 tahun.


Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM)

22 April 2021

See Original: Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM). (2021, April 22). Press Statement No. 18–2021_Convent Bukit Nanas (CBN) Land Lease Issue [Press release].