2. However, its application for a stay of proceedings against the government’s decision will only be heard on May 4.Check out BFM's I Love KL episode on Convent Bukit Nanas here:https://t.co/aJyJeaBfIy— BFM News (@NewsBFM) April 20, 2021 See: BFM News [@NewsBFM]. (2021, April 20). BFM News on CBN land lease [Tweet]. Twitter. Previous Post Why Are Malaysians Trying To Save Convent Bukit Nanas? Next Post Badan Warisan Malaysia (BWM) is very concerned that the land lease for CBN will not be renewed.
Rai ulang tahun ke-125, alumni Convent Bukit Nanas anjur majlis makan malam 2 NovemberEvent, Media, News